2. School Functions from 09.10 - 12.30 p.m. in fore noon.
3. After Noon from 1.00 p.m. 3.45.pm.
The School has a play ground. The institution is Co-Educational and the medium
of Study is English,The School has trained, experienced and Competent staff
on its rolls.
The following languages are taught as second languages TAMIL & HINDI. Hindi is
being taught as 3rd language for classes from I to V.
Application for admission All applications for admission will have to be made
in the prescribed form which can be had from the school's counter. The Prospectus
and the Application form can be had on the payment of Rs. 50/- for lower
classes, and Rs.100/-for Higher Secondary Classes.
Fees RegulationTuition Fees will have to be paid for all the TWELVE MONTHS of
the year. Fees should be remitted before 20th of every, month. A penalty
of Rs. 10/- will be collected after 20th.
Candidates Seeking admission for classes | t IX have to write an Entrance Test
conducted by the school.
The following documents must be submitted by the student at the time of admission.
(1) Birth Certificate in xerox. (2) Transfer Certificate in Original. (3)
Community Certificate in xerox, (only for those who belong to BC/MBC/SC/ST)
Candidate Coming from schools affiliated to other boards should get Transfer
Certificate Counter signed by the District Educational officer concerned.
No Student shall absent himself /herself without prior Submission of Leave letter
to the class Teacher, except in unfore seen circumstances.
No Student who has been absent on the Previous day will be admitted to the class
without a leave letter from the Parent.
Incase if a student has takenleave for more than 3 days for any reason of sickness
a medical certificate should be submitted to the school.
Repeated absence without prior sanction of leave will be severely dealt with.
Student coming late will not be allowed in general. But on exceptional cases
parents should accompany the students with a letter explaining the reason
for the late.
Student will not be permitted to go home during school hours unless parent furnishes
a letter explaining the reason for leaving.
Leave will not be granted during examination. No re*exam will be held for any
one who is absent for the exam. 15.The evaluated answer scripts will be distributed
to students for perusal and parents should sign the same. 16.Parents must
come to the school to sign the report cards on Open Day.
Parents should go through the progress card carefully and take remedial measures
if necessary.
Besides sound academic course a student should satisfy a required attendance
percentage which will also be considered for promotion to next class.